Anxiety attacks: how to remedy them?

When faced with a situation for which you are unprepared and where the stakes are high, it requires a certain amount of self-control. This can lead to an anxiety attack. What are the warning symptoms? What preventive measures can be taken to deal with it? How can you regain your composure when you have an anxiety attack? Here are the details on what there is to know on the subject.


An anxiety attack occurs chronically or suddenly. When this happens, a person is in a state of intense emotional stress. Anxiety gives way to anxiety and a person then accumulates a significant level of stress. It all depends on the context in which a person finds themselves and the tasks they perform. Depending on the situation, the slightest change or inattention can change everything. During a crisis, anxiety causes negative thoughts to arise and problems often appear more clearly than solutions. A person may become dizzy, shaky, sweaty, have trouble breathing, have tachycardia (increased heart rate), or have a sudden urge to vomit. To know how to manage your anxieties, you first need to know how to avoid them if you are an anxious person by nature. It's fairly simple to be able to manage an anxiety attack before it happens.

Steps to take before you get anxious

An anxiety attack can be avoided if a person knows in advance what kind of situation he or she is facing. What type of behaviour should a person adopt if they are faced with a non-recurring problem? Without considering everything, it is a good idea to prevent the arrival of an anxiety attack by informing oneself beforehand on a search engine. Just by typing the words: "manage anxiety attacks" you can easily find advice. Otherwise, by consulting a specialist who can treat this type of disorder, it is possible to better control it. In any case, the first thing you should do to know how to manage an anxiety attack is to have antidepressants on hand (or any medication prescribed by your doctor) if your anxiety attacks are repetitive and medication is absolutely necessary. However, if the solution of taking medication seems too expensive and it is likely to create a dependency on these pills, there is always the solution of taking cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy is effective and it is enough to remember everything you have learned from your stress and anxiety management sessions, so that you can control yourself when you face a difficult situation. Whether it is reciting a mantra, a message of encouragement to yourself, performing a series of rhythmic gestures or breathing exercises, all of these methods have borne fruit. However, it is important to note here that self-encouragement is not the same as convincing yourself that everything will be all right. It is the fact of privileging a positive thought that will have a real impact on your emotional and psychic state.

Regaining calm

Calm is found by being serene. The stage of serenity is reached when a person is able to think logically about the different stages of a process without omitting anything. It may seem difficult to manage one's anxieties on the spot or in urgent situations; however, it is worth trying. It is true that the feeling of loss of control and fear that pervades the whole body makes a person's actions insecure. But by making an effort, a situation can be turned to your advantage. In a state of anxiety, a person finds it difficult to think calmly. Nevertheless, it is imperative to know how to control yourself. In addition to adopting preventive measures that reduce anxiety, being well surrounded can also be of great help in quickly regaining calm. In this sense, to calm an anxiety attack, it can be beneficial to change your environment. Going outside for a breath of fresh air or confiding in someone you trust can be effective solutions and eliminate your anxiety.
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