
The education system: how can teaching and learning be improved?

Successful results in education require an effective Education System. This must be applied from pre-school, primary school, secondary school and higher education institutions. For this reason, the Organisation for Economic Development and Coordination (OECD) has carried out an analysis. Students…

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Following a correspondence course: a better alternative

Correspondence training is now in vogue. Many students are choosing this route to earn their university degrees. This solution has several advantages, including time savings, convenience and scheduling flexibility. In fact, several higher education institutions now offer distance learning in…

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What training is required to become a professional coach?

Most professional coaches have taken training in coaching. This allows them to obtain a certification. This is important in order to become a certified coach. However, it is important to choose a professional coaching training. Why choose a coaching training?…

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Hypnosis training : find a provider

Hypnosis is a therapeutic process used and practiced to access unconscious resources. A practitioner must choose an Ericksonian hypnosis training program to be qualified and certified. General information about Ericksonian Hypnosis Thereafter, a future hypnotherapist is obliged to follow a…

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