
5 signs that you need a PIM platform
A Product Information Management platform plays a vital role in helping businesses organise and manage large chunks of product information. It also helps increase revenue by preparing the marketing and sales efforts of companies, learn more about PIM in this post….
Read moreThe human services professions
The personal service professions group together the services that can be offered to an individual with the aim of simplifying daily life. Usually, these are home help services. There are three areas: health, early childhood, and the elderly and/or dependent….
Read moreNight care for the elderly: using a personal services company
When you start to get older and live alone, the period of convalescence is the hardest to overcome, especially since it often rhymes with night terrors. But since you can only stay in hospital for a limited period of time,…
Read moreWith e-commerce, does shopping still have the same flavour?
Evolving with new technology, e-commerce is increasingly used by several French companies. This facet of digital allows to generate sales and win many customers. With the marketing techniques used by sales forces, they are more motivated to buy their products…
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