Nail psoriasis: get advice online

Do you have nail psoriasis? Certainly, it's not very pleasant to see. Did you know that it is not contagious and that nail psoriasis can be treated? Two pieces of good news for people with this disease. Get online tips to learn more about this disease.

How can nail psoriasis be treated?

Even if it is not contagious, nail psoriasis can be very disabling and can cause inflammatory pain in the most complicated cases. In such cases, it is necessary to detect the disease in time and to seek treatment. The first tip when it comes to health problems is to consult your doctor as soon as possible. The worse the case gets, the less easy it is to find a simple and suitable treatment. The worst part is that psoriasis is likely to attack other areas of your body if you don't pay enough attention to it. There are local treatments for psoriasis. These are called dermocorticoid lotions. These must be applied regularly for satisfactory results. General treatment is necessary when the nails are severely affected and redness begins to spread to the surrounding area. It is best to use natural treatments to avoid the side effects that synthetic products can cause.

Prevention of nail psoriasis?

For those who are not yet affected, adequate measures can be taken to limit or even avoid nail psoriasis. The first tip is to curb manicure and pedicure as much as possible. It is also inadvisable to abuse the wearing of gloves. Let your nails breathe more often to reduce the microtrauma to which your nails could be exposed. Then, it is preferable, if you often work in a humid environment, to use protection against humidity. It promotes the presence of bacteria. That said, it is essential to keep your skin well hydrated and to rest properly according to your resting schedule to help your body fight any such infection. Finally, as a preventive measure, it is strongly advised to use protective nail polish or another similar product that will help your nail get rid of worrisome presences and help you keep your nails healthy.

What causes nail psoriasis?

Several factors are responsible for nail psoriasis. First, psoriasis can be caused by a genetic factor. In fact, studies have shown that people with this disease have at least one person in their family tree who has also been affected. This may be explained by certain genes that make certain lines of people at higher risk. On the other hand, nail psoriasis can be caused by environmental factors. These include the different medications prescribed, irritations, and sun exposure, which are likely to cause a flare-up of psoriasis. Environmental factors also include causes related to the person's psychological state. Finally, nail psoriasis can also be caused by immune factors. When there are too many white blood cells on infected areas, this excess can aggravate nail psoriasis. The problem is the overproduction of cells, which in turn causes the skin to regenerate too quickly, preventing it from eliminating dead cells normally. As a result, the dead cells accumulate and greatly aggravate infections in the affected area. In short, the causes of psoriasis are multiple and certain factors only make the situation worse in a dazzling way.

The difference between fungus and nail psoriasis

In order to differentiate between fungus and psoriasis, and to find the right treatment, it is essential to know how to detect the symptoms. Symptoms can be misleading at times. How can you tell the difference between the two symptoms? It's not as complicated as it sounds. In both cases, i.e. mycosis and psoriasis of the nails, the first observable symptom is yellowing of the nails. You just need to see a specialist so that he can take some samples. The sample taken is then cultured to see if it is a fungus. However, an emergency check can be done while waiting to see the specialist and the results of the cultures. In the case of fungus, the nails turn yellow but remain uniform. However, if it is nail psoriasis, you will see yellow nails and pits or spots on the surface of the nail in question. It is important to remember that it is important to get rid of this disease as soon as possible. In short, to be sure and to avoid any risk, it is far preferable to consult a specialist doctor so that he can confirm your diagnosis and give you the appropriate treatment.
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